Fundamental Rights
Video podcasts, audio podcasts, speakers‘ contributions and case studies The Application of The Charter The scope of application and interpretation of the Charter in domestic legal proceedings The scope of application and interpretation of the Charter in domestic legal proceedings The Role of the Charter within the EU Legal Framework and its Relevance for the National Legal Order The scope of application and interpretation of the Charter in domestic legal proceedings The role of the Charter within the EU legal framework and its relevance for the national legal order Relying on the EU Charter before national courts Respect for Fundamental Rights in the EU: A broad introduction with a special focus on the EUCFR Scope of application of the Charter: Challenging national measures on the basis of the Charter The scope of application of the EU Charter in national legal orders
The scope of application of the EU Charter in national legal orders The scope of application of the EU Charter in national legal orders The scope of application and interpretation of the EUCFR in domestic legal proceedings Respect for Fundamental Rights in the EU – A broad introduction with a special focus on the EUCFR | ES Scope of Application of the EUCFR: Challenging National Measures on the Basis of the EUCFR | ES | PL CASE-STUDIES - Member State Action and Scope of Application of the EU Charter | PL The role of the Charter within the EU legal framework and its relevance for the national legal order (Summary of Lecture) | PL | RO Applying the Charter in national proceedings: its application, scope and interpretation | RO Using the Charter in National Proceedings: Case Studies on its Scope of Application | RO Respect for Fundamental Rights in the EU – A broad introduction with a special focus on the EUCFR Le rôle de la Charte dans le cadre juridique de l‘UE et sa pertinence pour l‘ordre juridique national Application, portée et interprétation de la Charte dans les procédures judiciaires internes The role of the Charter within the EU legal framework and its relevance for the national legal order Die Rolle der Charta im Rahmen des EU-Rechts und ihre Bedeutung für die nationale Rechtsordnung | SI Berufung auf die Charta vor einem nationalem Gericht | SI Fallstudien zu Geltungsbereich und Anwendbarkeit der Charta | Cases The scope of application of the EU Charter in national legal orders Case studies The Scope of Application of the EU Charter in the National Legal Orders Case studies The scope of application of the EU Charter in national legal orders Workshop materials | Slides The application of the Charter to national measures Case Study 1: A v. France Case Study 2: BETA v. Portugal The scope of application of the EU Charter in national legal orders The EU, fundamental rights and The Charter The EU, Fundamental Rights and its Charter Protecting Fundamental Rights in Europe: an overview Overview of key rights and principles in Titles I, II and III of the Charter: personal dignity, freedoms and equality Overview of key rights in Titles I, II and III of the Charter: personal dignity, freedoms and equality Introductory overview of key underlying principles: Titles I, II, III Introductory overview of key underlying principles of the Charter: personal dignity, fundamental freedoms and equality (Titles I, II and III) The Role of the Charter in the EU Legal Framework and its Relevance for National Legal Orders Introductory overview of key underlying principles: Titles I, II, III | ES Introductory overview of key underlying principles of the Charter: personal dignity, fundamental freedoms and equality (Titles I, II and III) | PL | RO The Charter of Fundamental Rights Introductory overview of key principles: Titles I, II, III Relying on the EU Charter before national courts Case studies on scope and applicability of Charter Introduction aux principes-clés de la Charte : la dignité des personnes, les libertés fondamentales et l‘égalité (Titres I, II et III) Uvodni pregled nekaterih temeljnih nacel listine: clovekovo dostojanstvo, temeljne svobošcine in enakost (naslovi I., II in III) | DE The Charter and the ECHR: complementing or competing? Fundamental Rights and their judges in Europe The Charter of Fundamental Rights and the European Convention of Human Rights: complementing or competing systems of fundamental rights protection in Europe? Relationship of the Charter to the European Convention of Human Rights and national human rights provisions Recent jurisprudence of CJEU based on the EU Charter and the ECHR. How the Court grounds its judgements on fundamental human rights? (October 2021) Recent judgments of the CJEU based on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and on the European Convention of Human Rights: how the Court grounds its judgments on human and fundamental rights (May 2021) Relationship of the Charter to the ECHR and national human rights provisions | ES Relationship of the Charter to the European Convention of Human Rights and national human rights provisions | RO Relationship of the Charter to the ECHR and national measures Relationship between the Charter of Fundamental Rights, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and national provisions on human rights | PL Das Verhältnis der Charta zur EMRK und zu nationalen Menschenrechtsvorschriften | SI Das Verhältnis der Charta zur Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention und zu nationalen Menschenrechtsvorschriften Aligning Article 47 Charter, 6 and 13 ECHR Hudoc Database tutorial Recent jurisprudence of CJEU based on the EU Charter and the ECHR. How the Court grounds its judgements on fundamental human rights? Recent judgments of the CJEU on the Eu Charter of Fundamental Rights and on the ECHR Index of cases Recent jurisprudence of the CJEU on Fundamental/Human Rights Recent judgments of the CJEU based on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and on the European Convention on Human Rights EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: “Dignity”, “Freedoms” and “Equality” Equality and non-discrimination in employment Social rights and principles in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights Justice and good administration in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union Selection of provisions guaranteed under “Solidarity” Title of the Charter: special focus on environmental protection (Art. 37) (June 2015) Additional Substantive Rights of Particular Relevance for Judicial Officials and Employees - Access to Justice Social Rights in the Charter: Employment and Social Security Social Rights in the Charter: Employment and Social Security Social Rights in the Charter: Case studies Charter rights | PL | RO Atelier de aplicare în substanta a unor dispozitii din Carta: studiu de caz practic Zastosowanie wybranych przepisów materialnych Karty Praw Podstawowych Zakaz dyskryminacji w prawie UE La Charte des droits fondamentaux en pratique - Présentation de certains droits reconnus par la Charte Weitere von der Charta gewährleistete substanzielle Rechte | SI Case Study 1: Vorlagebeschluss The Charter in criminal practice Further substantive rights guaranteed by the Charter: focus on rights particularly relevant in criminal proceedings The Charter and Criminal Justice The relevance of the EU Charter forcriminal lawyers The relevance of the EU Charter for criminal lawyers Grundrechtscharta im Wettbewerbsrecht Workshop zur substantiellen Anwendung ausgewählter Vorschriften der Charta: praktische Fallstudie in Gruppen | Cases The right to good administration: legal source, nature, scope, effects and remedies The Charter and the ECHR: complementing or competing systems? Das Recht auf eine gute Verwaltung Grundrechtsschutz in Europa: Ein Überblick Freedom of Movement and Residence of Persons within the EU Family life and freedom of movement and residence: focus on LGBT rights Freedom of movement and residence Freedom of movement and residence EU Freedom of Information and Data Protection Family life and freedom of movement and residence - LGBT People How to litigate family life Limitations on Article 47 EU Charter in CJEU case law The Right to Legal Aid in the EU Legal Order The Convention and the Charter systems in comparison The doctrine of effective judicial protection in CJEU case law Legal Fees and Legal Aid in EU Law Rights of the defence in EU law The doctrine of effective judicial protection in the European Court of Justice (ECJ) case law The Relationship between the Charter and the ECHR case law Rights of the defence in criminal and other proceedings in EU law Independence and impartiality of tribunals in the CJEU case law Relationship between the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU and the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Right to an effective remedy under Art. 47 CFR Relationship between the CFR and ECHR | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL Independence and impartiality of tribunals in the CJEU case law | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL Convention and Charter - 2 systems in comparison: fair trial, efficient remedy, field of application | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL Applying the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: focus on the right to a fair trial. The Relationship between the Charter and the ECHR | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL EU law procedural rights standards in practice, limits and balancing | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL The doctrine of effective judicial protection in the European Court of Justice (ECJ) case law | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL The doctrine of effective judicial protection in CJEU case law | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL Right to an effective remedy under Art. 47 CFR | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL Rights of the defence in criminal and other proceedings in EU law | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL Legal Fees and Legal Aid in EU Law | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL The Right to Legal Aid in the EU Legal Order | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL Limitations of Art 47 CFREU | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL Case studies: The field of application of the Charter CFR | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL Case study: Restrictions on Article 47 EU Charter | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL Case study: Rights of the defence in EU law | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL Case study: The relevance of the EU Charter for criminal lawyers | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL Case study: The right to Interpretation and Translation in criminal proceedings | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL Case study: The relevance of the EU Charter for civil lawyers | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL Speakers' Contributions 421DT69f - 9-10 December 2021 Speakers’ Contributions 421DT27e – 25-26 October 2021 Speakers’ Contributions 421DT26e – 27-28 September 2021 Speakers’ Contributions 421DT25e – 21-22 June 2021 Speakers’ Contributions 421DT24e – 12-13 April 2021 Speakers’ Contributions 421DT36e – 11-12 February 2021 Speakers’ Contributions 420SDT110 – 8-9 October 2020 Speakers’ Contributions 418DT08 – 22-23 February 2018 Speakers’ Contributions 417DT86 – 6-7 November 2017 Speakers’ Contributions 417DT85 – 11-12 September 2017 Speakers’ Contributions 417DT84 – 15-16 May 2017 Speakers’ Contributions 417DT83 – 13-14 March 2017 Speakers’ Contributions 416DT15 Speakers’ Contributions 416DT14 Speakers’ Contributions 416DT13 - BG Speakers’ Contributions 415DT105 Speakers’ Contributions 415DT104 Speakers’ Contributions 415DT106 - PT Background documentation in Croatian (415DT103) Background documentations in English (415DT104, 415DT105)
Video podcasts
Filippo Fontanelli (June 2023)
Sophia Koukoulis-Spiliotopoulos (October 2015)
Dr Suzanne Kingston(October 2015)
Prof Sionaidh Douglas-Scott (June 2015)
Dr Filippo Fontanelli(June 2015)
Dr Adam Bodnar (May 2015)
Dr Suzanne Kingston (June 2013)
Laurent Pech (February 2013)
Laurent Pech (February 2013)Audio podcasts
Magdalena Lickova (October 2022)
Tobias Lock (October 2021)
Filippo Fontanelli (May 2021)Speakers‘ contributions and case studies
Laurent Pech
Laurent Pech
Laurent Pech
Laurent Pech
Sionaidh Douglas-Scott
Beatrice Andreșan and Roxana Rizoiu
Beatrice Andreșan and Roxana Rizoiu
Killian O’Brien
Jean-Paul Jacqué
Laurent Pech
Dr Adam Bodnar
Dr Paul Gragl
Prof Hans D. Jarass
Dr Paul Gragl
Magdalena Ličková (October 2022)
Magdalena Ličková (October 2022)
Sara Iglesias Sánchez (May 2022)
Sara Iglesias Sánchez (May 2022)
Tobias Lock (October 2021)
Tobias Lock (October 2021)
Filippo Fontanelli (May 2021)
Filippo Fontanelli (May 2021)
Filippo Fontanelli (May 2021)
Mirjam de Mol (October 2019)
Video podcasts
Filippo Fontanelli (June 2023)
Daniel Sarmiento (September 2016)
Dr Tobias Lock (April 2016)
Dr Filippo Fontanelli (June 2015)
Dr Adam Bodnar (May 2015)
Dr Filippo Fontanelli (June 2013)
Dr Tobias Lock (February 2013)
Audio podcast
Goranka Barac-Rucevic (October 2015)
Speakers‘ contributions
Dr Tobias Lock
Sionaidh Douglas-Scott
W. James Wolffe
Dr Filippo Fontanelli
Dr Suzanne Kingston
Dr Suzanne Kingston
Jean-Paul Jacqué
Boštjan ZALAR
Video podcasts
Dr Tobias Lock (April 2016)
Prof Johan Callewaert (October 2015)
Dr Filippo Fontanelli (June 2015)
Dr Tobias Lock (March 2013)Audio podcasts
Amelia-Raluca Onișor
Daniel Sarmiento Ramírez-Escudero
Speakers‘ contributions
Dr Tobias Lock
Beatrice Andresan and Roxana Rizoiu
Dr Filippo Fontanelli
Malgorzata Kosicka
Dr Paul Gragl
Prof Dr Hans-Peter Folz
Serena Menzione (June 2023)
Serena Menzione (June 2023)
Amelia-Raluca Onișor (October 2021)
Daniel Sarmiento (May, 2021)
Daniel Sarmiento (May, 2021)
Gianluca Forlani (February, 2021)
Daniel Sarmiento (October 2019)
Video podcasts
Dr A.P. van der Mei (October 2015)
Aaron Baker (October 2015)
Jeff Kenner (October 2015)
Luis María Díez-Picazo Giménez (June 2015)
Kari KuusiniemiAudio podcasts
Lara Barberic (October 2015)
Aidan O'Neill (April 2013)
Speakers‘ contributions
Aidan O’Neill
Aidan O’Neill
Prof Steve Peers
Beatrice Ramascanu
Malgorzata Kosicka
Malgorzata Kosicka
Stéphane de la Rosa
Prof Dr Jan Bergmann
Prof Dr Jan Bergmann
Video podcast
Alex Tinsley (May 2015)Audio podcast
Jodie Blackstock (June 2013)Speakers‘ contributions
Alex Tinsley
Lucie Hrdá (December 2023)
Julie Gonidec (June 2023)
Speakers‘ contributions and case studies
Dr Florian Wagner-von Papp
Dr Florian Wagner-von Papp und Dr Wolfgang Bosch
Video podcasts
Dr Madalina Moraru (November 2017)
Prof. Rick Lawson (November 2017)
Dr Herwig Hofmann (September 2017)
Dr Tobias Lock (September 2017)
Dr Sonia Morano-Foadi (March 2017)
Dr Fergus Ryan (March 2017)
Speakers‘ contributions
Sonia Morano-Foadi
Sonia Morano-Foadi
Aidan O’Neil
Fergus Ryan
Sarah Fennell
Video podcasts
Goran Selanec (September 2021)
Goran Selanec (September 2021)
Gabriel Toggenburg (September 2021)
Prof Tobias Lock (June 2021)
Pekka Pohjankoski (June 2021)
Dr Athina Giannakoula (April 2021)
Prof Sophie Robin-Olivier (April 2021)
Prof Dr Rick Lawson (February 2021)
Dominik Düsterhaus (February 2021)
Nina Betetto (October 2020)
Nina Betetto (October 2020)
Filippo Fontanelli (October 2020)
Speakers‘ contributions and case studies
Nina Betetto
Nina Betetto
Case studies | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL
Gabriel N. Toggenburg
Rick Lawson
Case study: Application of EU secondary law in light of the Charter procedural provisions in CJEU preliminary ruling proceedings | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL
Sara Iglesias Sánchez
Case study | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL
Sophie Robin-Olivier
Tobias Lock
Filippo Fontanelli
Dominik Düsterhaus
Case study: Access to a court in EU law | DE | ES | FR | IT | PL
Pekka Pohjankoski
Goran Selanec
Goran Selanec
Enrique Arnaldos Orts
Magdalena Ličková
Athina Giannakoula
Amedeo Barletta
Elise Martin-Vignerte
Michaela Hájková
Seminar materials’